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Tennessee Colleges

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Tennessee Teaching Colleges

50 Colleges
5,194 Yearly Graduations
$66,094 Avg 4-Year Tuition (In-State)
$26,150 Avg 4-Year Student Loan

In terms of yearly teaching graduations, Tennessee is ranked #23 in the country with 5,194 degrees handed out in 2021. Tennessee colleges offer students average in-student tuition of $16,524 per year, while students attending fron out-of-state may pay something more like $21,447 per year.

About 45% of students who go to college in this state take out loans, with the average yearly loan amount being $6,537 per year.

Learn more about the most popular schools below:


University of Memphis

Memphis, Tennessee
Public Public vs. Private
438 Yearly Degrees
$10,056 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 22,205 students at UofM in total, 17,383 of which are undergraduates, and of those, 12,063 are full-time. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 16 to 1.

Around 85% of students who apply get accepted. Around 37% of accepted students are men, and 63% are women.

Approximately 53% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The average amount of student loans is $5,571 a year. This school’s student loan default rate of 9.3% is close to the national average of 10.8%.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from UofM is $36,243.


Vanderbilt University

Nashville, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
346 Yearly Degrees
$56,966 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 7,057 undergraduates at Vanderbilt, of which 6,983 are full-time, and there are 13,537 students altogether. Vanderbilt has a freshman retention rate of 96%, which is a good sign that once students arrive at the school, they want to stay.

The acceptance rate at Vanderbilt is 12%, making it one of the most selective schools in the country. Of the accepted students, 49% are men and 51% are women.

Approximately 12% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The typical student loan amount is $7,422 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 0.9% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from Vanderbilt is $65,261.


Lipscomb University

Nashville, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
342 Yearly Degrees
$35,752 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 4,884 students at Lipscomb in total, 2,997 of which are undergraduates, and of those, 2,798 are full-time. It takes the average Lipscomb undergraduate about 4.2 years to complete their degree.

About 62% of students who apply get accepted. Around 34% of accepted students are men, and 66% are women.

45% of Lipscomb students take out loans to afford college costs. The average amount of student loans is $7,134 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 2.9% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

Students who graduate from Lipscomb with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $41,745 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Tennessee Technological University

Cookeville, Tennessee
Public Public vs. Private
338 Yearly Degrees
$9,802 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 8,778 undergraduates at Tennessee Tech University, of which 7,834 are full-time, and there are 10,177 students altogether. The average graduation time for an undergraduate student at Tennessee Tech University is 4.5 years.

The school doesn’t accept everyone who applies - it has an acceptance rate of 80%. Of the accepted students, 50% are men and 50% are women.

48% of Tennessee Tech University students take out loans to afford college costs. The typical student loan amount is $6,143 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 4.1% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from Tennessee Tech University is $37,658.


Middle Tennessee State University

Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Public Public vs. Private
312 Yearly Degrees
$9,232 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 19,188 undergraduates at Middle Tennessee State University, of which 15,520 are full-time, and there are 22,080 students altogether. For undergraduates at Middle Tennessee State University, the average graduation time is 4.6 years.

Around 94% of students who apply get accepted. Around 45% of accepted students are men, and 55% are women.

46% of Middle Tennessee State University students take out loans to afford college costs. The average amount of student loans is $6,139 a year. The student loan default rate of 7.6% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $36,660 during the early-career years.


Trevecca Nazarene University

Nashville, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
308 Yearly Degrees
$26,898 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 2,103 undergraduates at TNU, of which 1,679 are full-time, and there are 3,968 students altogether. It takes the average TNU undergraduate about 4.1 years to complete their degree.

The school doesn’t accept everyone who applies - it has an acceptance rate of 63%. Of the accepted students, 36% are men and 64% are women.

Approximately 51% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The average amount of student loans is $6,580 a year. TNU has a 5.9% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

Students who graduate from TNU with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $40,702 during the early years of their career after graduation.


East Tennessee State University

Johnson City, Tennessee
Public Public vs. Private
273 Yearly Degrees
$9,438 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 13,713 students at ETSU in total, 10,705 of which are undergraduates, and of those, 8,812 are full-time. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 16 to 1.

The school doesn’t accept everyone who applies - it has an acceptance rate of 78%. Of the accepted students, 36% are men and 64% are women.

Roughly 47% of students at ETSU take out loans to pay for college. The average amount of student loans is $7,735 a year. The student loan default rate of 7.5% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

Students who graduate from ETSU with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $33,204 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Carson - Newman University

Jefferson City, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
254 Yearly Degrees
$31,320 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 1,722 undergraduates at Carson - Newman, of which 1,592 are full-time, and there are 2,911 students altogether. It takes the average Carson - Newman undergraduate about 4.2 years to complete their degree.

The school doesn’t accept everyone who applies - it has an acceptance rate of 79%. Of the accepted students, 35% are men and 65% are women.

60% of Carson - Newman students take out loans to afford college costs. The typical student loan amount is $6,286 a year. Carson - Newman has a 4.9% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from Carson - Newman is $36,708.

Public Public vs. Private
247 Yearly Degrees
$9,912 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 7,117 students at UT Martin in total, 6,395 of which are undergraduates, and of those, 4,668 are full-time. It takes the average UT Martin undergraduate about 4.6 years to complete their degree.

The school doesn’t accept everyone who applies - it has an acceptance rate of 65%. Around 34% of accepted students are men, and 66% are women.

Approximately 51% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The average amount of student loans is $5,543 a year. UT Martin has a 6.7% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from UT Martin is $33,399.


Lincoln Memorial University

Harrogate, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
241 Yearly Degrees
$24,210 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 4,885 students at LMU in total, 1,817 of which are undergraduates, and of those, 1,305 are full-time. The average graduation time for an undergraduate student at LMU is 4.2 years.

About 69% of students who apply get accepted. Of the accepted students, 29% are men and 71% are women.

Approximately 38% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The typical student loan amount is $6,817 a year. LMU has a 3.7% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from LMU is $39,368.


Austin Peay State University

Clarksville, Tennessee
Public Public vs. Private
228 Yearly Degrees
$8,431 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

The total student population at Austin Peay State University is 10,272, of which 9,087 students are undergraduates and of those, 6,161 are full-time. The average graduation time for an undergraduate student at Austin Peay State University is 4.5 years.

Around 91% of students who apply get accepted. Around 34% of accepted students are men, and 66% are women.

50% of Austin Peay State University students take out loans to afford college costs. The typical student loan amount is $6,028 a year. The student loan default rate of 10.4% is very similar to the national average of 10.8%.

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $34,105 during the early-career years.


The University of Tennessee - Chattanooga

Chattanooga, Tennessee
Public Public vs. Private
220 Yearly Degrees
$9,848 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 10,341 undergraduates at UT Chattanooga, of which 9,234 are full-time, and there are 11,728 students altogether. For undergraduates at UT Chattanooga, the average graduation time is 4.5 years.

The school doesn’t accept everyone who applies - it has an acceptance rate of 83%. Of the accepted students, 37% are men and 63% are women.

48% of UT Chattanooga students take out loans to afford college costs. The average amount of student loans is $6,011 a year. The student loan default rate of 5.7% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from UT Chattanooga is $37,613.

Public Public vs. Private
216 Yearly Degrees
$13,244 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 30,559 students at UT Knoxville in total, 24,254 of which are undergraduates, and of those, 22,914 are full-time. The average graduation time for an undergraduate student at UT Knoxville is 4.3 years.

About 78% of students who apply get accepted. Around 40% of accepted students are men, and 60% are women.

Roughly 39% of students at UT Knoxville take out loans to pay for college. The average amount of student loans is $8,369 a year. UT Knoxville has a 3.1% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from UT Knoxville is $44,048.


Lee University

Cleveland, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
162 Yearly Degrees
$20,500 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

The total student population at Lee University is 5,204, of which 4,670 students are undergraduates and of those, 3,459 are full-time. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 15 to 1.

The school doesn’t accept everyone who applies - it has an acceptance rate of 83%. Of the accepted students, 29% are men and 71% are women.

89% of Lee University students take out loans to afford college costs. The average amount of student loans is $6,710 a year. The student loan default rate of 4.5% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $32,702 during the early-career years.


Union University

Jackson, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
161 Yearly Degrees
$16,520 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 2,096 undergraduates at Union, of which 1,711 are full-time, and there are 3,071 students altogether. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 10 to 1.

About 58% of students who apply get accepted. Around 28% of accepted students are men, and 72% are women.

Approximately 66% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The average amount of student loans is $6,883 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 4.3% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $41,818 during the early-career years.


Tennessee State University

Nashville, Tennessee
Public Public vs. Private
118 Yearly Degrees
$8,336 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

The total student population at Tennessee State University is 7,615, of which 6,000 students are undergraduates and of those, 4,816 are full-time. It takes the average Tennessee State University undergraduate about 4.7 years to complete their degree.

70% of Tennessee State University students take out loans to afford college costs. The average amount of student loans is $6,782 a year. The student loan default rate of 11.4% is very similar to the national average of 10.8%.

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $33,035 during the early-career years.


Tusculum University

Greeneville, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
116 Yearly Degrees
$26,510 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 1,353 undergraduates at Tusculum, of which 1,090 are full-time, and there are 1,664 students altogether. The average graduation time for an undergraduate student at Tusculum is 4.2 years.

The school doesn’t accept everyone who applies - it has an acceptance rate of 67%. Around 38% of accepted students are men, and 61% are women.

57% of Tusculum students take out loans to afford college costs. The average amount of student loans is $5,699 a year. Students should know that the student default rate at this school is 12.1% which is higher than the national average of 10.8%.

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from Tusculum is $34,911.


Cumberland University

Lebanon, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
88 Yearly Degrees
$25,412 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

The total student population at Cumberland University is 2,704, of which 2,397 students are undergraduates and of those, 1,886 are full-time. It takes the average CU undergraduate about 4.3 years to complete their degree.

The school doesn’t accept everyone who applies - it has an acceptance rate of 54%. Of the accepted students, 40% are men and 60% are women.

22% of CU students take out loans to afford college costs. The typical student loan amount is $5,554 a year. The student loan default rate of 6.7% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $45,915 during the early-career years.


Freed-Hardeman University

Henderson, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
76 Yearly Degrees
$23,300 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 1,727 undergraduates at FHU, of which 1,312 are full-time, and there are 2,188 students altogether. For undergraduates at FHU, the average graduation time is 4.2 years.

The school doesn’t accept everyone who applies - it has an acceptance rate of 81%. Around 31% of accepted students are men, and 69% are women.

60% of FHU students take out loans to afford college costs. The typical student loan amount is $6,993 a year. The student loan default rate of 3.1% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

Students who graduate from FHU with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $35,432 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Belmont University

Nashville, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
65 Yearly Degrees
$38,430 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 6,631 undergraduates at Belmont, of which 6,330 are full-time, and there are 8,204 students altogether. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 14 to 1.

About 83% of students who apply get accepted. Around 30% of accepted students are men, and 70% are women.

Roughly 42% of students at Belmont take out loans to pay for college. The typical student loan amount is $8,350 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 2.5% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from Belmont is $42,954.


Christian Brothers University

Memphis, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
46 Yearly Degrees
$34,820 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 1,548 undergraduates at Christian Brothers, of which 1,311 are full-time, and there are 1,918 students altogether. For undergraduates at Christian Brothers, the average graduation time is 4.5 years.

About 50% of students who apply get accepted. Of the accepted students, 40% are men and 60% are women.

Roughly 48% of students at Christian Brothers take out loans to pay for college. The average amount of student loans is $6,711 a year. The student loan default rate of 6.9% means most graduates are not struggling to pay off their loans.

Students who graduate from Christian Brothers with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $40,236 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Motlow State Community College

Tullahoma, Tennessee
Public Public vs. Private
42 Yearly Degrees
$4,416 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 3,127 full-time undergraduates at Motlow, and 6,616 students altogether. The school has a student-to-faculty ratio of 22 to 1.

Motlow has a 4.6% student default rate. This is excellent when you compare it to the national rate of 10.8%.

Students who graduate from Motlow with a bachelor’s degree make an average of $30,699 during the early years of their career after graduation.


Milligan University

Milligan College, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
42 Yearly Degrees
$36,140 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 1,338 students at Milligan in total, 941 of which are undergraduates, and of those, 786 are full-time. It takes the average Milligan undergraduate about 4.1 years to complete their degree.

Around 99% of students who apply get accepted. Around 49% of accepted students are men, and 51% are women.

Approximately 55% of the students who attend this school take out loans. The average amount of student loans is $6,438 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 3.2% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from Milligan is $39,263.


King University

Bristol, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
41 Yearly Degrees
$32,838 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 1,746 students at King in total, 1,435 of which are undergraduates, and of those, 1,252 are full-time. It takes the average King undergraduate about 4.2 years to complete their degree.

About 60% of students who apply get accepted. Around 42% of accepted students are men, and 58% are women.

Roughly 70% of students at King take out loans to pay for college. The typical student loan amount is $6,842 a year. The school reports a student loan default rate of 4.7% which is much lower than the average rate of 10.8%!

The early-career average earnings of bachelor’s-degree holders from King is $45,227.


Bethel University

McKenzie, Tennessee
Private not-for-profit Public vs. Private
37 Yearly Degrees
$13,981 Yearly Tuition & Fees (In-State

There are 4,001 students at Bethel in total, 3,457 of which are undergraduates, and of those, 2,190 are full-time. The average graduation time for an undergraduate student at Bethel is 4.5 years.

The school doesn’t accept everyone who applies - it has an acceptance rate of 76%. Around 46% of accepted students are men, and 54% are women.

Roughly 73% of students at Bethel take out loans to pay for college. The typical student loan amount is $5,786 a year. This school’s student loan default rate of 9.8% is close to the national average of 10.8%.

A typical bachelor’s-degree holder from this school earns an average of $36,794 during the early-career years.

Other Tennessee Colleges

Rank School Yearly Graduations
26 Southern Adventist University 36
27 Bryan College - Dayton 35
28 Tennessee Wesleyan University 32
29 Columbia State Community College 31
30 Johnson University 29
31 Roane State Community College 28
32 Pellissippi State Community College 27
32 Rhodes College 27
34 Volunteer State Community College 24
35 Walters State Community College 23
36 Welch College 22
37 Chattanooga State Community College 17
38 Strayer University - Tennessee 16
38 Northeast State Community College 16
40 South College 15
41 Lane College 13
42 Nashville State Community College 9
42 Jackson State Community College 9
44 Dyersburg State Community College 8
45 Maryville College 7
46 Southwest Tennessee Community College 4
46 Martin Methodist College 4
48 Le Moyne - Owen College 3
49 Fisk University 2
50 Mid-South Christian College 0


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